I'll try again
Well i thought i would try the whole blog thing again. I didn't put much effort into it last time. It seems like quite a fun thing to do when your a bit bored...
Well I'm living in Oz at the moment. Probably coming home in Dec as I am missing my family quite a bit. I am having a lot of fun with my friends here, and feel torn between going home and staying. I am living with two of my best friends Rob and Clint and I so enjoy hanging out with them. We all seem to gel so well even though we are so different. I can totally be myself with them, its great. It will be hard to leave them. Most of my girl friends that were here have left for London and now I am hanging out with girls from School that I never thought I would hang out with again. I never really thought I would get on with them either, but I have found we get on well and I am glad they are here...
I am working as a receptionist, which I don't totally love, but it is a stepping stone and I have learnt so much about what goes into running a company. I am working for 'nudie jucies' which is a 3 year old Australian company. The guy that started it started squeezing juice in his home and then started a business. Nudie is a natural fruit drink, that is basically just squashed fruit. There is no additives or perservitives. We sell smoothies, soups, juices and ice blocks. They are real healthy and yum. Real expensive too. But I get as many free ones as i like. The fridge is right by my desk. Check out or web site. Its quite fun... www.nudie.com.au
Well i think thats it from me today. I'm going to sit outside in the sun and have some lunch.
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